Music :: The Language of the Soul

Opinion poll

Posted by Dream on 2.22.2006

Fellow musicians, do you ever get perturbed when people are inattentive while you're performing, whether it be casual or formal? I think people could at least join in and pay some attention. Most of them are "Ok you do your own thing." It's disrespectful, and it takes away from the joy that can be multiplied greatly. I miss my music parties for this reason... I don't really have any musician friends up here in Gainesville, and if they call themselves musicians, they're either not very good or they only care about their music and their music alone.

I miss being able to share. :-/

Make it known to the world!

Posted by Dream on 2.11.2006

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, teachers and pupils, I believe that Marci Gordon is the best producer ever.

Music from 2006 Star Revue

Posted by Dream on 2.04.2006

If anyone knows the number of the Nocturne that Kate played, I'd love you forever. I suspect Chopin, elegant yet technically challenging. She did such a wonderful job of it. Go Kate! :-)

Anyways here's some awesome music from last night. w00t!

Acceptance - So Contagious

A Perfect Circle - 3 Libras

Hit the Road, Jack